Civet Cat Meaning In Malayalam

In Indonesia it is threatened by poaching and illegal.
Civet cat meaning in malayalam. Find the definition of Civet cat in Malayalam OneIndia Malayalam Dictionary offers the meaning of Civet cat in Malayalam with synonyms antonyms adjective and more related words in Malayalam. Related definition of Civet. Find the definition of Polemics in Malayalam OneIndia Malayalam Dictionary offers the meaning of Polemics in Malayalam with synonyms antonyms adjective and more related words in Malayalam Pole definition Noun.
Civet cat Meaning in Malayalam. Online English Malayalam Dictionary.
Civet Meaning in Malayalam. Civets are also called toddycats in English Luwak in Indonesian Mara Patti in Malayalam musang in Malaysian and urulǣvā උරලව in Sinhalese. Means round cat in Japanese.
Noun Veruku വരക Gandhamaarjjaaram ഗനധമരജജര Civet definition. Cactus in Malayalam. MEANING - musk Civet-cat.
Other kanji or combinations of kanji can form this name as well. The civet-cat also കടടല ഇടട മര prov. It is widely distributed with large populations that in 2008 were thought unlikely to be declining.
Civet cat-sized animal Derived words phrases. In Assamese this animal is known as zohamola Assamese. -- called also civet cat.